Manage Creations

Manage all your creations and let NFT bring you benefits

You can manage your creations in "Creative Center" or "My"-"My Creations." Left-click to select the works you want to manage compositions that are not uploaded onto the blockchain and are in the blueprint state.

1) Transformation of a composed creation into a unique NFT (a sufficient number of Cubes is required) and the process of uploading it onto the blockchain will consume gas fee.

2) Continue: continue to compose and improve your work.

3) Destroy: completely delete the blueprint. After deletion, the blueprint can no longer be restored.

4) Adoptions included: show which adoptions are included in the creation.

Uploaded Creations

1) Open copyright

• Open the right for adoption. Other users can obtain the right to your creation by paying LCT and can adopt already obtained creations in their compositions.

• The works in the open copyright cannot be listed on the works market simultaneously.

For more adoption rules, please see

2) Transfer: Give the NFT creations to the target address free of charge.

3) Sale:

• When selling creations, users can set the starting price, ending price, and on-sale duration.

• The listing price will linearly transition from the starting price to the ending price within the period.

• Users cannot open copyright for works on sale.

• After the work is successfully sold, the official will charge ETH of 3.75% of the transaction price as a handling fee.

4) Decompose: Decomposes the creations uploaded onto the chain, restores them into Cubes, and returns them to the owner.


• Decomposition of works requires LCT

• If LCT is required as a fee, the amount consumed = the number of cubes of the demolished work * 100

• The decomposed creations cannot be restored

5) Adoptions Included: shows which adoptions are included in the work

6) Adoption Trajectory: shows in which other creations a particular creation copyright was used.

Last updated