♟️Hero NFT

Hero Professions:

Knight, Lancer, Warrior, Archer, Hunter, Shotter, Professor, Mage, Prophet

Hero Attributes:

Basic Attributes: Strength, Agility, Spirit

Primary Attributes: Attack, HP, Speed

Secondary Attributes: Armor, Magic Resist, Crit


Attack: Heroes can launch an attack or a skill shot which deals damage based on their attack value.

HP: Each hero has their own HP value. The health of individual heroes is not displayed in battle; only the sum of all heroes' HP in a team will be displayed as the team total health. Some skills deal damage based on a hero's HP value.

Speed: Determines the action order of a hero. The higher a hero's speed value, the more frequently they will act. Some skills deal damage based on a hero's speed value.

Armor: The sum of the armor of all heroes in a team is the team's total armor. The higher the total armor of a team, the less physical damage its heroes take. When a hero in a team takes physical damage, the actual amount of damage deducted will be physical damage x 1000 / (team's total armor + 1000).

Magic Resistance: The sum of the magic resistance of all heroes in a team is the team's total magic resistance. The higher the total magic resistance of a team, the less magic damage its heroes take. When a hero in a team takes magic damage, the actual amount of damage deducted will be magic damage x 1000 / (team's total magic resistance + 1000).

Critical Hit: Determines the chance to trigger a critical hit(a successful attack will deal more damage than a normal attack). When a critical hit is triggered, the damage dealt will be [1.5 X attack value].

Note: The critical hit rate of all heroes in the current version is 0. This value will be adjusted in future versions.

Strength, Agility, and Intelligence: These attributes only affect skills damage.


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