Battle Guide
Battle Rule
1.Hero: The units in battle are the heroes deployed by both sides. In PVE battles, players assemble a team of heroes to challenge the dungeons. Max capacity of a team will be 9 heroes.
2.Battle Result: The sum of the health of all heroes in a team is the total HP of the team. When the total HP of a team drops to 0 or below, the battle ends. The team with greater total health wins.
3.1) Attack: Heroes can launch an attack or a skill shot which deals damage based on their attack value.
3.2) HP: Each hero has their own HP value. The health of individual heroes is not displayed in battle; only the sum of all heroes' HP in a team will be displayed as the team total health. Some skills deal damage based on a hero's HP value.
3.3) Speed: Determines the action order of a hero. The higher a hero's speed value, the more frequently they will act. Some skills deal damage based on a hero's speed value.
3.4) Armor: The sum of the armor of all heroes in a team is the team's total armor. The higher the total armor of a team, the less physical damage its heroes take. When a hero in a team takes physical damage, the actual amount of damage deducted will be physical damage x 1000 / (team's total armor + 1000).
3.5) Magic Resistance: The sum of the magic resistance of all heroes in a team is the team's total magic resistance. The higher the total magic resistance of a team, the less magic damage its heroes take. When a hero in a team takes magic damage, the actual amount of damage deducted will be magic damage x 1000 / (team's total magic resistance + 1000).
3.6) Critical Hit: Determines the chance to trigger a critical hit(a successful attack will deal more damage than a normal attack). When a critical hit is triggered, the damage dealt will be [1.5 X attack value].
Note: The critical hit rate of all heroes in the current version is 0. This value will be adjusted in future versions.
3.7) Strength, Agility, and Intelligence: These attributes only affect skills damage.
4.Damage Type
4.1) Physical Damage: When a hero launches a normal attack or a skill shot that deals physical damage, the damage dealt to the enemy team is affected by the enemy team's total armor value. The damage type of a hero's normal attack is determined by their class. Heroes in the Warrior, Knight, Gunner, Hunter, Lancer and Archer classes deal physical damage with their regular attacks. The damage type of a skill shot is determined by its skill definition.
4.2) Magic Damage: When a hero launches a normal attack or a skill shot that deals magic damage, the damage dealt to the enemy team is affected by the enemy team's total magic resistance value. The damage type of a skill shot is determined by its skill definition.
Note: The damage type of a skill shot is specified in the skill description.
Skill Shot
1.Skill Restriction: Each skill has a profession restriction, and heroes can only wear skills of the same profession.
2.Skill slots: Each hero can only equip up to four skills (including their initial skill, which cannot be replaced). Duplicated skill is not allowed.
3.Skill trigger rule: There are five different trigger timings for skills: at the start of the battle, during a hero's own turn, after a normal attack, at the end of a hero's own turn, and when they receive a debuff. For skills triggered during a hero's own turn, once the skill is triggered, the hero will perform a skill shot instead of a normal attack, and each hero can only trigger one skill per turn.
4.Skill trigger rule: There are five different trigger timings for skills: at the start of the battle, during a hero's own turn, after a normal attack, at the end of a hero's own turn, and when they receive a debuff. For skills triggered during a hero's own turn, once the skill is triggered, the hero will perform a skill shot instead of a normal attack, and each hero can only trigger one skill per turn.
lmmune to debuff
Damage increased by 50%
Action bar buff
Accelerate the action par
Speed is halved
Damage is halved
Unable to perform skill shot
Lose 15% HP during the turn
Action bar debuff
Slack the action bar
Last updated