
DeHero, released by MixMarvel, is a card-collecting blockchain game that focuses on NFT+DeFi gameplay, first deployed on Binance Smart Chain (BSC). In the game, users gain random NFT hero card packs by staking FT assets. By collecting NFT characters and using appropriate card mining training strategies, users obtain DeHero’s governance token $HEROES. All NFT cards received can be traded in the Marketplace.

DeHero is adding more application scenarios for NFT based on the existing GameFi. At this point, the NFT holders in DeHero are the core asset holders of the project. With the expansion of DeHero’s application scenarios, more roles and labor division will gradually form a new paradigm of GameFi v2.0. In addition, with an idea of fully solving the problem of creators’ benefit distribution, DeHero will fully integrate the vision of community co-creation into four main stages:

· Stage 1: forming a community through asset distribution;

· Stage 2: increasing application scenarios, such as card mining and trading markets;

· Stage 3: increasing gameplay, including various forms of battle, lottery, character equipment, and diverse platform tools;

· Stage 4: opening the card editing function, allowing the community to produce content freely and participate in the co-creation of blockchain games with a long life cycle.

Current Performance Based on the existing GameFi, various light application scenarios are being added to the issued NFT over the third quarter of 2021. The card packs Shop, card-collectibles mining, Marketplace, and Heroes Lottery have already been deployed at the iterative rate of a new system every two weeks. Card battles and equipment systems are to be launched next month.

Upcoming Milestones DeHero plans to endorse cross-chain and more on-chain dapp interactions and cooperations and integrate multiple assets into a token system in the last quarter of the year. Token and gameplay design is in progress, and the beta version V1 is expected to be launched soon. At the same time, the rental protocol will be completed before the end of the year. NFT asset holders will rent NFTs to other users through the rental protocol, allowing them to enjoy the game through rich gameplay and earn simultaneously (play-to-earn).

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