Mining Pool
Permanent Mining
1. Having provided liquidity for designated pairs and obtained LP tokens on the decentralized exchange Pancake and staked the corresponding LP token to the mining pool allows to continuously produce HEROES. As long as the amount of produced HEROES reaches 5 or more, users can gain card packs.
2. When the accumulated income is less than the value of cards to be withdrawn, users can spend HEROES in their wallets to make up the difference.
3. Users can add or redeem LP tokens at any time.
4. A card' rarity is determined based on the consumption of HEROES tokens. White 5, Green 10, Blue 20, Purple 40, Orange 80.
Lossless Mining
1. Staking any type of designated token would produce HEROES. Simultaneously, if having connected to the MDX strategy of the Coinwind smart pool, HEROES can be continuously produced after tokens are staked to the mining pool. As long as the amount of produced HEROES reaches 5 or more, users can gain card packs.
2. When the accumulated income is less than the value of cards to be withdrawn, users can pay HEROES in their wallets to make up the difference.
3. Users can add or redeem staked tokens at any time
4. A card's rarity is determined based on the consumption of HEROES tokens. White 5, Green 10, Blue 20, Purple 40, Orange 80.
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